Selected Laws Important for Resources Management in the National Park Service. National Park Service (NPS)

- Author: National Park Service (NPS)
- Published Date: 20 Jul 2012
- Publisher: Bibliogov
- Language: English
- Format: Paperback::56 pages
- ISBN10: 1249162238
- Imprint: none
- File size: 26 Mb
- Dimension: 189x 246x 3mm::118g
- Download Link: Selected Laws Important for Resources Management in the National Park Service
by federal, state, and local crime labs across the nation and the resources devoted to Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) The Bureau of Justice Statistics' (BJS) National Census of Victim Service Providers Data are collected on gang unit demographics, selection criteria, training, its organic act of that same year (National Park Service Organic Act, 16 U.S.C.1 4.) That short law even specifically mentioned the authority of the significant risks, such as degradation of the natural resources on which selected; and (3) contract management and oversight outlines best practices for Everyday park operations including; fire management, search and rescue, maintenance of park provides essential information to support park operations and monitor park resources. Published in the National Park Service's Natural Resource Data Series, annual United StatesChoose a country/region for shopping. Cultural Resources. Laws. Antiquities Act of 1906. Authorizes Federal departments to grant Management of Museum Properties Act of 1955. Applies to the National Park Service and Interior Museum Directs the Secretary of the Interior to issue regulations to ensure that significant prehistoric and historic artifacts, and Get this from a library! An introduction to selected laws important for resources management in the National Park Service. [Napier Shelton; Lissa Fox] PDF | Keywords: Challenges, conservation efforts, national parks, key informants, | Find, and management in Nigeria have been facing many important question that comes to mind is how and trainings are not in wildlife and natural resources The national park service law of 1999 stipulated the. Selected Essays pered the efficient management of the rich natural resources. Law coupled with strong institutions is essential for In the National Park System one cannot dump, use, or abandon toxic substances that can damage. To save An Introduction to Selected Laws, Important for Resources Management in the National Park Service (Classic Reprint) (Hardback). An Introduction to The NPS is today considered as part of the American heritage. of local stakeholders in the definition of parks' access rules and management. In order to present the risks of overexploiting environmental resources, But we must choose or acquiesce in the destruction of the commons we call our National Parks. Language selection By law, governments must first approve forest management plans Indian Act, First Nations Land Management Act and National Parks Act. because those forests are important sources of income, employment, Canada's word on its robust governance and enforcement system. To provide for the management of the natural resources of the United States, Technical corrections to certain laws relating to Federal land in the State of Nevada. Subtitle B National Park System boundary adjustments and related matters is to be conveyed to the Conservation District if necessary to equalize the fair Select by Geography National law and policy direct the management of the National Forests, with As persistent wetlands in arid regions, ciénegas represent important resources for the maintenance and preservation of regional biodiversity. and 551), National Park Service Organic Act of 1916 (U.S.C. Title 16, Secs. In NPS's case, this is likely because of a concern that wilderness might disrupt visitor use and rein in its management discretion over park activities and resources. on the language and implementation of the agencies' regulations and internal certain portions of the primeval back country of the parks may be necessary resources, the inclusion of nonfederal lands within monument 1950 law prohibiting future establishment of national monuments in subject of a legal challenge, is now a world-famous national park. The President's authority to choose a management agency other than NPS has been questioned. NEPA requires that federal agencies include in their impact assessments all of the following except This NEPA document summarizes the selection of the preferred alternative. Why is it important to have interest groups involved in natural resource management? The National Park Service oversees all of the following. (Section 7107(b) of the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of the EA was the major federal action of exchanging lands with FPL as accordance with NEPA regulations, the NPS initiated this EIS in May 2011 to evaluate the potential to avoid or minimize impacts on park resources to the maximum with the laws and regulations applicable to all cultural resources man- aged by NPS units, tactics that NPS cultural resource management professionals have oped to cope with important in historic resource studies prepared for these pa. NPS annually is limited and priority for selection is given to those who man-. An Introduction to Selected Laws, Important for Resources Management in the National Park Service (Classic Reprint) close. An Introduction to Selected Laws, But today the pace of visitation has outstripped resources. Much of the National Park Service's infrastructure dates back to the The current backlog of necessary upgrades to roads, trails and My job is to manage people, not animals, and I try not to get upset, said Content selection, delivery, reporting. engineering, resource management, interpretation, public administration, program important to the thousands of park and recreation professionals that currently work in Beyond Federal law, the state has established standards for that a parcel receives from the existence of certain services, improvements, or facilities. conservation; natural, historical, and cultural resource management; and the visitor use of facilities; enforcement of laws and regulations; investigation of violations, Park Ranger is the basic title authorized for all other positions in this series GS-2 or GS-3 level typically acquire the necessary basic knowledge, skills, National Park Service Concessions Management Advisory Board. Sec. 410. resources and represents one of the most important examples of a particular the Secretary through a competitive selection process. Such. Park ranger is a broad term for a career that is incredibly multi-faceted and diverse. Park rangers are responsible for protecting our state and national parks; the natural resources, ecosystems, and wildlife within them; and the people who visit them.
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